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All contributions to Friends of Lake Panorama are tax deductible. Donors receive a letter of thanks as their receipt. Donations can be made in someone's memory or in honor of someone. Planned giving as part of an estate is welcomed.

The current priority project for Friends of Lake Panorama is the South Shore Recreation Project. This includes enhancements to existing trails, disc golf course, new parking lot with a picnic table and shelter nearby, and benches and birdhouses added to both timber and meadow areas. Some portions of the trail are being used by the Panorama Community Schools cross country teams, and school personnel are mowing and providing other maintenance for the entire trail system. Learn more here.

Another current project is raising funds to plant 11 trees near the main west entrance to Lake Panorama, north of the former guard shack. These trees would be added to both sides of Panorama Road in that area, replacing ones that have been removed because of disease and storm damage. The fundraising goal for this project is $3,750. Learn more here.

Donations also can be directed to the Friends of Lake Panorama General Fund. Donors interested in helping cover ongoing expenses, such as insurance, tax preparation, post office box rental, website and email hosting, and other administrative fees, can make a monthly transfer from their bank account to the Friends bank account. To get started, print and complete this form, and send it to the address on the form. There is no fee for these transactions, and the transfers can be stopped at any time. If you’d like a form sent to you, email with your request.

Every donation is important, but only donations of $500 or more receive public recognition. Donor recognition levels are:

  • Sponsor - $50,000 and above

  • Champion - $25,000 - $49,999

  • Leader - $10,000 - $24,999

  • Benefactor - $5,000 - $9,999

  • Steward - $1,000 - $4,999

  • Friend - $500 - $999

To donate by check, make it payable to Friends of Lake Panorama. Complete a donation guide and send it along with your check to Friends of Lake Panorama, PO Box 488, Panora, IA 50216. 

Direct donations also can be sent via Venmo @Panorama-Friends.

As outlined above, monthly transfers from a donor’s bank account to the Friends bank account are possible, using this form.

Donations of securities (stocks, mutual funds, etc.) are welcome, as are direct IRA qualified charitable distributions—for donors over age 70 ½ that are required to take forced IRA distributions. There are potential tax-saving benefits when considering either of these direct donation strategies. Check with your financial advisor for details.

Donations also can be made online by credit card. Credit card transactions carry a 2.9% fee, which will be taken from your donation by the processing company before the remainder is deposited into the Friends of Lake Panorama bank account. If paying by credit card, please consider increasing your donation to cover this fee.