Nearly $5,000 was donated to Friends of Lake Panorama in the final two months of 2021. About $1,800 of that was designated for the Lake Panorama dog park. Construction began in September 2021, with opening planned for spring/summer of 2022.

While the costs of construction and basic amenities are covered by the $50,000 already raised, the park will have ongoing expenses for turf management and waste disposal bags. Additional trees or benches also may be desired. For these reasons, donations for the dog park continue to be accepted. Donors of $500 or more by February 1, 2022, will be recognized on a sign posted at the park.

A total of $1,450 was donated to a basketball half-court at Sunset Beach. Mark and Karen Einck, who matched donations of $25,000 for the Boulder Beach basketball court, have pledged to match up to $20,000 for the Sunset Beach court. The estimate for this project is $40,000, and fundraising will continue throughout 2022.

The Friends board has appointed a task force to develop a recreational concept for Lake Panorama’s south shore. The LPA board of directors voted unanimously in June 2021 to allow Friends of Lake Panorama to develop this concept.

The task force report will be presented to the LPA board at either its April or May meeting. The preliminary report to the LPA board in 2021 said the concept will include a disc golf course and a walking trail, with additional amenities possible. If Friends receives final LPA board approval this spring, a specific fundraising campaign will be launched to finance the approved amenities.

Nearly $500 was donated in the last two months of 2021 to the Friends general fund. The charity has ongoing expenses, including insurance, post office box rental, postage, website and email hosting, tax preparation, administrative fees, and fundraising fees. When not enough money is available in the general fund, a percentage of donations given to specific projects is allocated to these expenses.

To attract additional donors interested in helping cover ongoing expenses, a new program has been established that allows donors to make a monthly transfer from their bank account to the Friends bank account at Guthrie County State Bank.

Those interested can print and complete a form on the “Donate” page on the Friends website, and send it to the address on the form. There is no fee for these transactions, and the transfers can be stopped at any time. Those who would like a form sent to them can email their request to staff@friendsoflakepanorama.org.

Two other projects that were funded with proceeds from the 2021 Beach Ball will be completed in spring 2022. These include the multi-use Panorama West Trail, and three swings added to the Sunset Beach playground.

Although more donations are made at the end of each year than any other time, donations are accepted year-round. These can be made by check payable to Friends of Lake Panorama, and mailed to Friends at PO Box 488, Panora, IA 50216. Direct donations can be sent via Venmo @Panorama-Friends. Donations also can be made by credit card on the Friends website at friendsoflakepanorama.org.

Donations of securities (stocks, mutual funds, etc.) are welcome, as are direct IRA qualified charitable distributions. For information, contact Kristen Crouthamel, financial advisor at GCSB Investment Center, 641-755-2799 or kristen@investgcsb.com.

Details on past and current projects are available on the Friends website. Friends of Lake Panorama also has a Facebook page. Those interested in keeping up-to-date about Friends activities are asked to “like” and “share” the Friends page. The next Friends Beach Ball fundraiser will be Friday, July 22, 2022.